With a successful 2022 IASCA season behind us, IASCA President Travis Chin would like to thank all IASCA Members, Sponsors and Judges for their support and participation during the season.
“The 2022 IASCA season was a huge success, certainly a very positive sign over 2021 and since the COVID pandemic. It was great to see many new competitors, as well as veteran competitors, at events across the country.” said Chin “I would like to thank each and every one of them who helped IASCA grow in 2022. The 2022 IASCA World Finals were once again very exciting and did not disappoint.”
The 2022 IASCA World Finals were held at three different venues; for SQ (Sound Quality), the event was held at the Cowan Center in Lebanon, MO. The Judging staff included many long time SQ names that have history through the years, including:
Keith Turner
Harry Kimura
Mike Myers
Justin Silva
Andrea Paulson
Shazad Rahaman
Scott Welch
SPL competition was held in two events, one east coast and one west coast. The East coast event took place at the Farm Bureau Expo in Lebanon, TN and the west coast event at the Linn County Fairgrounds in Albany, OR. Many record scores were set at both events and officiating these competitions included IASCA SPL Judges from across the country, including (judges and support staff):
Scott Sinde
Jeremy Taylor
Ray Pimley
Salvador Vargas
Jose Vargas
Joey Perry
Christle Perry
Tamesha Ledford
“I would also like to thank all IASCA Sponsors at Finals and throughout the year” Chin continued to say “Their support reinforces that car audio competition has great value to our industry and we will continue to bring them and our members first class events throughout the 2023 season.”
Sponsors include:
Sundown (https://www.sundownaudio.com)
Karma Mobile Audio (https://www.karmamobileaudio.com/)
Italia HiFi (https://www.italiahifi.com/)
Crystal Audio Solutions (https://crystalaudiosolutions.com/)
Autotech Engineering (https://autotechengineeringusa.com/)
German Maestro (https://www.german-maestro.de/)
TRU Technology (https://www.trutechnology.com/)
Zapco (https://www.zapco.com/)
Arc Audio (https://www.arcaudio.com/)
B2 Audio (https://www.b2audio.com/)
Audio Concepts
Sky High Car Audio (https://skyhighcaraudio.com/)
Surf City Soundoff (https://www.facebook.com/groups/526553134043246/)
Kamilche Dental Center (https://kamilchedentalcenter.com/)
“The work hasn’t stopped since Finals ended though.” Chin stated “We’ve been working on the 2023 rules for both SPL and SQ, 2023 World Finals plans are under way and many major events on the 2023 schedule are being finalized, some of which may be announced prior to this press release, including the Surf City Soundoff, Slamology and the Summer Showcase. We will also be conducting Judges Training seminars in the spring, both nationally and internationally. There’s a lot in store for 2023 and I’m looking forward to yet another successful season of IASCA competition!” For more information on IASCA Worldwide, visit iasca.com.