3X (Schaumburg, IL) Car Audio Showcase at AXPONA
April 11 - April 13
AXPONA (Audio Expo North America)
Renaissance Schaumburg
Hotel & Convention Center
1551 N Thoreau Dr
Schaumburg, IL, 60173
April 11 to 13, 2025
3X Event
SQC and IQC with $2500 in cash prizes awarded to the top SQC scores. All SQC scores will be used to determine the ranking of best SQC of the day for cash prize distribution. Come join us for 3 full days of car audio at the largest home audio expo. This indoor event will be a 3X IASCA SQ event. Competition vehicles will be on the expo floor in a designated area and while most judging will happen in the mornings, competition vehicles will also be available for spectator demos. With 10,000 spectators, this show will be jammed packed all 3 days.
Friday, April 11, 2025: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday, April 12, 2025: 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Sunday, April 13, 2025: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Competitor information:
Load in day is Thursday, April 10. Vehicles are expected to be parked and ready during the show hours. Once parked inside, vehicles are to stay inside until load out Sunday April 13, 4-8PM (no in/out in the evenings/mornings). Each vehicle will be assigned a 10×20 ft parking spot, a 500w electrical drop will be provide by AXPONA, and each competitor will receive two three-day tickets to AXPONA. Typical indoor policies apply to vehicles (no more than 1/4 tank fuel and oil pans). We will do our best to help vendor booths line up with competitor vehicles when possible. Consider all competition vehicles as demo vehicles at this event!
Entry fee is $250 and includes entry for IASCA SQC with cash prizes. +$50 for IQC. Deadline to register is March 30 or until all spots filled, $50 late fee after March 30. Cash prize distribution will be determined after registration is filled. Vehicles that are part of a vendor booth will receive a $100 discount on competition entry after proof of booth payment to AXPONA. All competition registration and entry fees will be handled by IASCA. Register is now full and closed.
For vendor information, contact Mark Freed – mark@jdevents.com. All vendor booths will be handled by AXPONA.
Hotel information: https://axpona.com/hotel-travel/
Show information: https://axpona.com/
Larry Ng
Bo Petrevski
John Burns
Chris Pearce
Will Stinnett
Mike Wirths
Troy Loferski
Larry Chijner
Natan Budiono
Robert Anderson
Andy Feuersthaler
Adam Treslan
John Senters
Scott Smith
Angie Landis
Eric Ekern
Mick Newton
Travis Chin