100% IASCA 30 World Record Event
Samar Entertainment Center Penal, Trinidad And TobagoThis will be a World Record Event!!! IdBL, Bass Boxing, SQC, IQC, as well as Tuner Jam.
The Standard By Which Great Mobile Electronics Performance Is Measured
This will be a World Record Event!!! IdBL, Bass Boxing, SQC, IQC, as well as Tuner Jam.
Cash prizes for 1st in each class plus trophies for 1st, 2nd, 3rd. Competitors receive a FREE T-shirt. Charity Raffle - All proceeds from show go to Angels Anonymous. Surf City Classic Car Weekend ( Aug. 24-25th). Pre-registration is available online at chinookwindscasino.com This is a 3X WORLD RECORD Event!!!!! Also offered is dB Drag. …
This will be a 1X IASCA IdBL & Bassboxing Event. Also dB Drag will be there. Registrations fees will be $40 for 1 event or $60 for any 2 events for save even more - only $70 for all 4 . Trophies for 1st place & medals for 2nd - 3rd. Call Step for more …
This is a 1X IdBL & Bass Boxing Event along with "dash for cash". Fees are $25 for one format or $40 for both. Dash for Cash is $25 entry fee with full cash payout back to the winner. This is the Grand Opening for the newly relocated Budget Boom Car Audio.
Come on out and support! 1X Bass Boxing & IdBL Formats being offered. $25 per format.
This will be a 1X IdBL & Bass Boxing along with SQC format being offered. MECA Formats offered as well. SQC will start at 11:00am / SPL formats at 2:00pm Fees are as follows: $35.00 for one format or $50 both two.
This is Ohio State Finals 2X World Record Event - State Championships! 50/50 Raffles, Games and KOB for cash format as well.
This will be a 1X IASCA IdBL & Bassboxing Event along with dB Drag & Bassrace. Registration opens: 10:00am Contest begins: Noon Entry Fees: $25 per format Trophies for 1st, Medals for 2nd-3rd.
This event is a 2X Event - IdBL & Bassboxing along with dB Drag Competiton. Ridin Clean will have a huge Car Show to enter. Contact Randy for details. Demo's!!!! Demos!!!! Demos!!!! Noise will not be an issue. $40 for any one format / $60 for any two !!!!
This will be a 2X Event with the following formats being offered: IdBL, SQC / IQC, RTA/SPL. 100% Charity Event supporting the Folds of Honor Foundation. $25.00 per format. All going to a good cause.
All proceeds go to Believe.com Recipient. Entry Fee: $15 for one / $20 for both formats. This is a 1X IdBL & Bassboxing Event. Car & Bike Show, Free Dyno testing, Stunt Riders, Derby Girls will be there and plenty of vendors. $5.00 off to all active Military. www.allisonpepplestier.com to donate.
This will be a 3X " World Record" Event also offering SQC / IQC formats judged by Sammy Vega. Pre-register for SQC/IQC. A needed 6 registrations to make this happen for you SQC/IQC People. Get those needed points for an invitation to INAC in October in Huntsville, AL Fees: $50 for one format / $10 …
This is a 1X IASCA IdBL & Bassboxing Event along with a Car Show!!! $25 for one format , $40 for both. Judging by Matt Wilson. bassicwilson@yahoo.com
This event will also offer Top Dog / USACi / dB Drag / Bass Race. Show officiated by Jeremy Weber & Staff See the facebook page on IASCA Worldwide - events for all the times, details, and schedule for the weekend.
This will be a 2X IASCA Event offering idBL, Bass Boxing and SQC / IQC. MECA 3X Points PA State Championships including SQL, SPL, and a Show N Shine. Come on out and get those needed points for your invitation to Huntsville, Alabama Oct. 19.20th. Car Audio Championships!
This will be a 2X IdBL & Bassboxing Event plus World Record!!!. $25 for one format or $30 for both. Discounts for couples. Custom made medals awarded at every event. Registration opens at noon. Competition from Noon - 6:00pm
This will be a 3X IdBL & Bassboxing Event also offering SQC Format. $25.00 for non-members / $ 20.00 for members per format. For more info contact Kimo soundoff@teambassick.com
Brought to you by the Producers of Slamology Cartruckshow!! Come out and support a great cause! Proceeds going to "Operation Comfort Wounded Warriors" Registration 10-4pm for both Car Show & IASCA 3X World Record Event. Awards at 7:00pm sharp! $10 gate fee / or entry to Car Show Car Show - Top 25 Plus Special …
This is the end of the season bash. SQC / IQC will start at Noon. Followed at 3:00pm by IdBL, Bass Boxing & Dash for Cash. At 6:00pm there will be a MACS Car Event with Nite Glow to follow. Fees will be $25 for one format and each additional $20. This is a 1X …
This will be a 2X IASCA Event. This will be in conjunction with NSPL World Finals!!!! For further info: www.facebook/Carolinaspl
This is the INAC SQ West Coast Satellite Finals as well as a 3X Event. All INAC competitors should pre-register on line at www.iasca.com online store. All 3X participants can enter day of event. The 3X Events points will be for the 2014 Season, anyone can enter. If you are entered in the INAC portion, …
The car stereo competiti0n formats of dB Drag, IASCA, USACi, and MECA are joining as partners to produce a joint finals event. The event will be held at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Alabama during the weekend of October 19-20, 2013. This event will include all competitors from SQ to SPL and will offer …
This is the INAC SPL ( IdBL & Bassboxing) Event along with a 3X Event. All INAC competitors can pre-register at www.iasca.com online store. All 3X Participants can enter day of event. The 3X Points will be for the 2014 season and anyone can enter . If you are entered in the INAC Portion, your …
This is a 1X IdBL & Bass Boxing Event. Fees are $25 per format or $40 for both. Featuring Dash for Cash with full payout back to winner, entry fee is $25. Registration opens at 11:00am
This will be a 1X Charity Event. Show admission is $10 per car or an unwrapped toy. Car Audio Formats are $15 per format - add additional for only $10 Formats offered : SQC / IQC / IdBL / Bass Boxing