Mad Mark’s Stereo 2013 – Disturbing the Peace

Manatee Convention Center One Haben Blvd. , Palmetto, FL, United States

Custom Car Show & Audio Competition.  2X  (DPE)  IdBL & Bassboxing as well as db Drag & Bassrace. Info & pre-reg for car show at 813-356-9969. Vendors  *    Food    *     Deals  

Droops Joint

Droops Joint 1239 e. Fracis Spokane, Spokae, WA, United States

This will be a 1X IdBL & Bass Boxing Competition.  Fees are as follows:  $25 for one format or an additional $15 to compete in both. Raffle in the afternoon.

Waterfest 19 VW & Audi Car Show & Motorsports Event

Waterfest Raceway Park , Englishtown, NJ, United States

To pre-register or for more information on this event contact    This is a 1X IdBL Event For the VW & Audi owners    

Show Down At the Shack

Stereo Video Center/Radio Shack 305 East Main St. , Andrews, SC, United States

This will be a 1X IdBL & Bassboxing and dB Drag Event.  Also, will be a Top 25 Car Show Fees are $20 per format.    

Sound By Design / Ground N Pound

Hooter's 386-479-2654, Sanford, FL, United States

This is a 1X (SPE) for IdbL & Bassboxing. Registration:  10:00am     Event will run from 10:00  -  5:00pm   Entry fee:  $25 for one / $40 for both. Prizes!!!!

dB Addicts Audio Slam

dB Addicts Audio 7316 Ritchie Hwy. ( us Audio) , Glenburnie , MD, United States

1X IdBL & Bassboxing Event.  

Team Nussiance Presents “Get Loud or Go Home”

Boathouse Bar & Grill 201 Fantasy Blvd. , Myrtle Beach, SC, United States

   This will be a 2X (DPE) event offering IdBL & Bassboxing.  Also 1X db Drag. There will also be a Car Show, Port Wars, Bikini Contest and more. Fees:  $20 per format  

Lowdown 1X Friday

Southwest Washington Fairgrounds 2555 North National Avenue , Chehalis, WA, United States

Hosted by Underground Kustomz / Phantom Soundz   This 1X Event to kick off the Lowdown Weekend.   The following formats will be offered:   SQC  /  IQC   /IdBL  /  Bassboxing   & Niteglow!!!! Trophies at 6:00pm followed by Niteglow Competition into the evening. $20 for one format, $10 for each additional format.  Niteglow FREE to any

Asylum Autowerks / 2X Event

Asylum Autowerks 527 E. Sumner Ave. , Indianapolis, IN, United States

2X IdBL & Bass Boxing Event. $25 for one format or $30 for both.  Discounts for couples.  Custom medals awarded at every event.  Good times with good people!!!  Registration opens at Noon - 5:00pm.  Event 1:00 - 6:00 pm.   Stay tuned , there's more to come!! JUST IN!!!!!!!    This event will also include  a

Lowdown 3X Event ++++ WORLD RECORD EVENT

Southwest Washington Fairgrounds 2555 North National Avenue , Chehalis, WA, United States

This is a 4 day Custom Truck and Car Show.  Overnight camping available from Thursday July 25 to Sunday July 28th. Raffles on Saturday & Sunday.  Fees and discount on camping/entry TBA. Formats offered are SQC, IQC, IdBL & Bassboxing .  Registration opens at 9:00am and comp starts at 11:00am. Show Host:   Underground Kustomz/Audio Northwest

Jam Zone 3X Event

Aspen Sound 7316 N Division, Spokane, WA, United States

This will be a 3X (TKE) event offering SQC / IQC / IdBL / Bassboxing. "2 Day" Event - SQ judging on Sunday,  SPL formats on Saturday & Sunday. Show N Shine and Raffle on Sunday. $30. for one format + $20 for each additional

Kruzin in the Hood Fundraiser for Christmas for Kids

Korner Pizza & Ayersville School 28046 Watson Rd. , Defiance, OH, United States

This will be a 1X IASCA Idbl & Bass Boxing Event.  Fees are as follows:  $25 for 1 / $30 for both.  $5.00 from each entry goes to Christmas for Kids. This is a Cruise in Show N Shine for the Ayersvile neighborhood for everyone and anyone.  All cars welcome, from classic cars to muscle

Shaking the Gump

Shaking the Gump Montgomery, AL, United States

This will be a 1X  Bassboxing only event!!!!

2X Dog Days of Summer Show

Crescendo Audio 7117 24th Ct. East , Sarasota, FL, United States

This will be a 2X IdBL , Bassboxing and SQC Event along with "Dash for Cash". SQC registration will begin at 8:00am.  Judging completed by Noon and awards to follow. IdbL & Bassboxing registration at 11:00am. Competition begins at Noon - 5:00pm with awards to follow

Chris Alton’s Chassis Works 2X

Chris Alton's Chassis Works 8661 Younger Creek Drive , Sacramento, CA, United States

This event will be a 2X IASCA, db Drag, MECA @ IX Prices & Prices.   SQ Judging Starts at 9:00am SPL Judging starts at 1:00pm. $25 for non-members and $20 for members.   Officated by

NC / SC Car Meet battle of the dB’s

Mooresville Dragway 8415 WS. NC 152 Hwy. , Mooresville, NC, United States

This will be a 2X IdBL & Bassboxing Event  brought to you by Carolina SPL.  

Mid Summer Bash / Sponsored by Hybrid Audio Technologies

Sunset presents Mid Summer Bash, hosted by Forever Powder Coating.  This is a custom car and truck show with an IASCA Event sponsored by Hybrid Audio Technologies.   SQC / IQC / IdBL / Bass Boxing formats will be offered.   This is a 1X Event. Competition runs from 10am - 4:00pm

Michigan State Finals

Adado Riverfront Park 300 N. Grand Avenue , Lansing, MI, United States

2nd Annual 2X World Record Event. $35 for one format or $45 for both.  Car show by Outta Control Car Club.  Vendors and food on site.  Registration begins at 11:00am - Competition at Noon - 6:00pm.

Syracuse Sound-Off

Syracus Customs 9037 Brewerton Rd. , Brewerton, NY, United States

This event will be a 1X IASCA SQC along with a 2X MECA SQ/SPL.  Also a Show-n-Shine Fees:   $15 per format

IASCA 2X at Sittin Pretti’s Summer Slam

Arlington Airport Corner of 47th Ave. NE & Bjorn Rd. , Arlington, WA, United States

Sponsored by Phantom Soundz & Sound Werks. This event is offer SQC / IQC / IdBL / Bassboxing. Come early, $30 entry for one format, $15 for each additional.  $5  entry will be collected at the gate per vehicle. (tell them you are entering the IASCA Event).  Spectators are FREE!!!   From I-5, take exit 206

Asylum Autowerks

Asylum Autowerks 527 E. Sumner Ave. , Indianapolis, IN, United States

This will be a 1X IdBL & Bassboxing Event. $25 for one format or $30 for both. Discounts for couples. Custom medals awarded at every event.  Good times with good people!! Event runs fro 1:00 pm - 6:00pm.

Blvd Customs of Lakeland – Mobile Audio Car Show

Blvd Customs of Lakeland 215 E. Memorial st. , Lakeland, FL, United States

  For more information and or to pre-register please contact Jon Lackey 863-802-1320 or email at Download registration form by clicking here!


Tintworx 87 Garrett St. , Warrenton, VA, United States

This will be a 1X IASCA SQC only event along with MECA 1X  SQL format being offered.   Come out and get those needed points for INAC Inviations!!!! Saturday afternoon- BBQ and Meet & Greet before the show at the shop. For further info:  Brian Boudreau: IASCA Fees:   $20 for members / $25 for non-members